Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Fahaman Pluralisma


Dalam dunia nie cuma ada Satu. Satu tuhan Satu agama Satu Seruan dan Satu Ummah. Selain dari itu semuanye adalah Thagut dan (terbatal).

Dalam Islam pun walaupun banyak tempat negara wilayah dan mazhab tetapi Tuhan , Seruan dan Qiblat tetap Satu.

Cuma Satu Ummah yang bersatu di Bawah Panji-panji Islam keseluruhannya akan akan beroleh kejayaan. Janganlah kita terjebak dengan Satu musuh yang Nyata yang melakukan langkah-langkah dan bibit-bibit perpecahan untuk terus memerintah.

Firman Allah dlm Quran :( An Nahl 16:1 )

Saddaqa Allah aDzhim...

Thursday, August 12, 2010

The art of giving and loving

Giving is an aquired art. Not everybody know how to give effactivly and passionately.

There is giving and ther is taking. In order to give we have to take . We have to create a so called 'a needs' or vacuum so
that we can give meaningfully and efactively .

In other words in giving and loving there must be give and take .

If we love our children unconditionally and give them everything then they will
become spoilt small brats in no time.

They will be weak, pampered and very dependent.We only should guide them and not give them everything they demand.

And God is the best guidents of all.In (One) God we trust and we will always
Pray for His err .. guidens


Friday, May 7, 2010

From one slave to another..


Nobody wants to become a slave, but then everybody is honored to become a servant

of God. So God have got no choice. He cannot banned slavery because so many people

want to become His slave/servant. In fact everybody is welcome to be His servant, a

prerequisite before they go to His jannah.

Only God is allowed to take slaves. Slaves (that`s us) is not allowed to enslave others if we

want to go to heaven. No compulsion. It is completely optional...

Ahlil Kitab my foot.

(not) your(s) , (but)

A servant of God.

p.s Avatar is good but assibghatulla is better .

Saturday, February 27, 2010

alchemi sa`adah

Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim.

Formula bahagia. Micheal Jordan,Tiger Wood , Asley Cole dan John Terry adalah nama-

nama besar di dunia sekarang. Yang wanita pula adalah seperti Madonna , Paris Hilton dan

Liz Taylor.

Sejak Nabi Daud lagi, dunia ini akan diwariskan kepada `ibadias solehuun`. Bukan orang

beriman . Orang yang bersyukur dan beramal dengan apa yang ada ,nescaya akan

bertambah rezeki mereka. Tetepi orang yang kufr nikmat (tidak tahu bersyukr) adalah

sedang diazab.(tijaarah?)

Orang yang beramal soleh lagi beriman kepada Tuhan yang Maha Esa sudahpun berada

di dalam syurga.....

Innaka la tukhliful mi`ad....

p.s habis tu nak caya sapa lagi politikus? setan? spause? qarin?

Friday, February 26, 2010

Fitnah itu lebih dahsyat dari pembunuhan.

Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim.

Fitnah itu amat dahsyat kesannya, lebih dahsyat dari pembunuhan. Jika seseorang

dibunuh, masalahnya selesai di situ saja. Ya mungkin soal qisas dan diat sahaja. Tapi

kalau fitnah pula ia akan berkekalan sehingga Akhir zaman. Terutama nya fitnah ter

hadap Agama, Tuhan dan RasulNya.

Fitnah inilah yang perlu ditentang habis-habisan sehingga ke akar umbinya kerana jika bala

menimpa ,ianya merata dan bukan melanda orang yang zalim sahaja.

Pabila datang kebenaran kebatilan Pasti akan sirna..

..nasrullahi qariib..


Friday, February 19, 2010

Wallahu walliul muttawquun

Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim.

Allah only look after the people with taqwa. The rest can go to the dogs (oh that incl.

`little pharoah`, dzul,`little Napoleon and Joseph(ine) of course .)

These are the people who believes in only ONE God and His words without questioning

any `ain, dhomah or fathah .

They constantly follow The One and Only God without adding anyone or anythings (syirk)

or rejecting God or His words.(kufr/atheist).

For heaven sake please refer to Ali Imran : 3: 101-104 and please Al `Araaf ; 7:9 .

Thank you.


Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Why `syirk` is not a (pardonable) sin ?

Bismillahi irRahmani irRahim.

God will forgive every sin under the sun except syirk .Not that He can`t but

He won`t. It is way out of His jurisdictions .

Imagine if you worship other Gods but Him, then you must ask Them for their

forgiveness or rewards. Howcome you ask for His Forgiveness? Totally out of lines.

If we worship Him and Only Him then we don`t have anything to worry or regrets.

But if we take anything else as God (incl. monies) besides Him then we will have

everything to worry and regrets.

God made a promise and Satan also made a promise. We make our choice , hopefully

an informed ones. Make a wrong choice we could only blame ourselves.

Satan could deceives everyone except `ibadillah il mukhlasiin`.-those who practice

surat ul ikhlas , consistenly .

God al Mighty don`t care if we pray to Him or Not. He is already alMighty with

or without us. It is we who needs Him .(Ada Dia kisah kalau kita tidak bertaqwa?)

Surrender to Him alone and we shall be salvage .

Innadeena `inadallah il islam.

p.s the same arguments also applicable to the atheists ( Dzul`s nudist camp..)

Monday, February 1, 2010

Good morning Musyriqin..

Bismillahi arRahmani arRahim..

`al awwalu addin m`arifatu allah`..

Sebermulanya agama adalah dengan mengenal Allah.

Golongan musyrik Mekah adlah golongan buta agama , tidak mengenal Tuhan serta

menyembah berhala mengikut dongengan nenek moyang mereka.

Mereka amat sensitif dan wala tak bertempat jika kepercayaan mereka dipersoalkan.

Adakah mereka akan mengikuti juga walaupun diketahui nenek moyang mereka sesat

dan tidak mendapat petunjuk ?

Antara asas ilmu tauhid itu adalah Tuhan tidak bertempat. Mereka berkeras mengatakan

berhala itu merupakan `wasilah` untuk sampai kepada Tuhan. WalhalTuhan sendiri telah

menemplak golongan seperti ini.(surah Al An`am , 6:21 ).

Jika cara sembahyang mereka dipersoalkan , mereka cuma berkata sejak turun temurun

mereka bersembahyang seperti itu.

Jika diminta rujukan syariat yang jelas mereka akan terkebil kebil bagaikan cicak berakan

kapur. Allah itu tidak bertempat walaupun di Arash, Kursi ataupun Sidratul Muntaha sekalipun.

Kalau nakkan rujukan yang jelas silalah rujuk al Maaidah, 5 :73 .

p.s al Banjari amacam , nak biar ke puak-puak ni gunakan kalimah Allah juga ?

atau kite suruh jer gunakan kalimah lain, Thagut ke? ini soal tauhid ni??

wallahu `alamu bissawab.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Is Jesus God?

Bismillahi arRahmani arRahim..

Is Jesus God ? The Christians insist that He was and still is even though they believed that He has already died on the Cross? To muslims the verse in sura Ali Imran , 3: 79 could easily put the mater to rest.

The burning questions is this : Could God be Jesus ? It is a tricky questions and should be thread
with cautions.If the answer is no, then what kind of impotent God He is? Of course He can.
He is the Almighty and could be anything , anyone , anytime . He could be all Dick, Tom and
Harry at the same time too. The problem is that the Devil (Iblis) also could do that, too all the times. There is no way in Hell (and Heaven) we could differentiate it.

So for all intent and purposes ,we should insist stubbornly (istiqoma) recite Sura al ikhlas
Qul : Allahu Ahad... and blow it into His face.

Sorry My Lord , if it was You , I am just a humble servant of God who is following Your orders
( Kallamullah). If it was the Devil, then it serve you right ,` kana dhoifa..`

Wallah u `alamu bis sawab.