Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Why `syirk` is not a (pardonable) sin ?

Bismillahi irRahmani irRahim.

God will forgive every sin under the sun except syirk .Not that He can`t but

He won`t. It is way out of His jurisdictions .

Imagine if you worship other Gods but Him, then you must ask Them for their

forgiveness or rewards. Howcome you ask for His Forgiveness? Totally out of lines.

If we worship Him and Only Him then we don`t have anything to worry or regrets.

But if we take anything else as God (incl. monies) besides Him then we will have

everything to worry and regrets.

God made a promise and Satan also made a promise. We make our choice , hopefully

an informed ones. Make a wrong choice we could only blame ourselves.

Satan could deceives everyone except `ibadillah il mukhlasiin`.-those who practice

surat ul ikhlas , consistenly .

God al Mighty don`t care if we pray to Him or Not. He is already alMighty with

or without us. It is we who needs Him .(Ada Dia kisah kalau kita tidak bertaqwa?)

Surrender to Him alone and we shall be salvage .

Innadeena `inadallah il islam.

p.s the same arguments also applicable to the atheists ( Dzul`s nudist camp..)

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